Sunday, July 25, 2010

Wk 3 - Publishing/Presentation - A Personal Comment

I still haven't really decided to publish or to present. I think in this blog I was suppose to write about where I would publish my project. I would like to say nowhere but I don't think I have a choice. This project like many of things I do is personal. I take classes and training to improve my skills as teacher so I can be more effective in my profession. I am always glad to share my ideas but I need no recognition. I have really enjoyed my journey through this project and have learned a lot that will affect my students in the future. It is my hope that as the students hone their video production skills they will take those skills into the classroom and personal life. I don't need the approval or disapproval of the academic community to validate my goals. I truly enjoy working on the sidelines and letting the students or adults I teach shine for me.

wk 3 Patti Yawn

"This type of learning puts the focus on them and what is important to them."

I think for some teachers this is the hardest part of teaching. Sometimes as teachers we have our concept of the students should learn. However each student will internalize what they find important to them. I think it is wonderful that you would allow the student to experience this. They are going to do it anyway. We should just celebrate the fact we part of that experience.

wk 3 - Yesenia Martinez

"Finding ways to inspire and share your “spark” that will in turn, motivate them."

I have found that many people have a want to change things but they are waiting for someone to light the "spark". Sometimes we feel that we all all alone in our passion but in reality there a many others. When we light the spark others will follow that light to keep the flame burning.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

wk 3 - The Way Things Are

This chapter made me think of the of the different attitudes teachers have toward testing. Some feel that because of the high stakes of testing they should just accept it and teach toward the test. Some teachers complain that they can't be creative because testing and just go with the flow. Then there are teachers who accept that there will always be some sort of measurement tool but that will not deter from their passion which is teaching. Those teachers feel that testing has not changed the face of education. Maybe we should think about why we became teachers in the first place. It is not my passion to help all the students pass the state test. It is not my passion to help my school make AYP. It is not my passion help my school make a grade of "A". My passion is to inspire my students to explore all the possibilities to become the person they want to be. It is my passion to inspire passion. Nothing moves me more than to see the light in a child's eyes when they learn, acquire new skills and take those skills to the next level.

When I read about letting go of things that are holding you back it took a more personal note. My kids and I are amusement park fanatics but I always sat on the sidelines as they rode all the rollercoasters. I spent many years holding their stuff while they enjoyed the thrill of the G-force. One day my daughter and I went to Universal with a group. She wanted to ride the Hulk but she didn't want to ride alone. She begged me to go with her and I adamantly refused. After about 20 mins of her pleading I closed my eyes and said okay. I sat locked in the chair basically freaking out and praying for it to be over. All of a sudden I was shot 60 miles an hour out into the wide blue yonder. When I got off the ride I said "Man what a rush". What was I afraid of? You never know what will happen when you learn to let go and participate wholly in your own life. That was 8 years ago and I have got lot of riding to make up.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Wk 2 - Micheal McCurdy - Peer Comment

"Life/family/work is too short for me to constantly calulate what can vs. what can’t be. Instead I need to realize that I’ve made it this far. I have some wonderful memories, and this next phase of my life is going to be even better than the last."


Unfortunately for now the teaching career will be fraught with measurement. What I try to do is at the end of the day think about the little things I do that can't be "measured". A students who really enjoyed a music lesson you taught. A peer who you introduced to the world of Web 2.0 tools. Or simply a word of encouragement. Those are the contributions that matter. After all test scores are only as good as the paper they are written on and like that piece of paper they will soon be thrown away. Your contributions to your family, peers and students will last a lifetime. I'm sure you will do well wherever life takes you.

Wk 2 - Amanda Alvarez - Peer comments

"As time wore on, topics became more and more complex as more and more papers were due. Dr. Dembe did not miss a beat, ever. He was well known for calling out student’s mistakes and knew well when his students were not keeping up with the readings. In class discussion, he always played devil’s advocate and few were able to win with him. He used vocabulary many had never heard, except perhaps if they had studied for the SAT’s. He basically, kept each and every student on his or her toes. No student could get anything by him and most knew better than to try. He was seen by most of the student body as heartless, unwavering and stubborn. Many thought he was bias against Americans (he was Kenyan) and often made reference to the laziness found in society, and by extension the student body. In short, he was not winning many of his student’s hearts and minds."


It is obvious that Dr. Dembe didn't know rule No. 6. Then he would have realized it was not all about him. It doesn't matter what you may feel about a person or group of people. he will never be able to connect with others if he thinks his class and ideas are more important. Good leaders can get more done when they empower others around them to feel they are major contributors to the project. Unfortunately it worked for Hitler. Kudos for getting through. He would be what we call in the teacher profession as a non-example.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Wk 2 - Free choice - "Oh very young what will you leave us this time" - Cat Stevens

Recently I was watching a documentary and they showed a clip of Martin Luther King, Jr. I will paraphrase the comment he made. He said "that if you have an opportunity at 36 to positively impact society but pass on it because you fear harassment, jail or even death you may live to be 85 years old. Unfortunately you were actually dead at 36." Were would we be if he decided to "play it safe"? As teachers and employees in the corporate world we have opportunities to create the change we talk about. It could be as small as a pat on the back or a word of encouragement. Keep throwing those starfish back in the ocean.

WK 2 - Making a contribution by leading from any chair

I think my principal is a fine example of that. He is always open to listen to his teachers and give them the opportunity to put their ideas into action. When a teacher shows innovation in the classroom he is the first one to send an e-mail to the staff about the great work they are doing. This inspires our staff to want to do more.he is the first administrator I have had that I actually feel free to discuss my "crazy" ideas.(We actually purchased Wii's for the classroom). When I came to him about my CBL project he ask me what I needed him to do. I ask for class time for my TV production students and we worked out a schedule where I could meet with them 1 hour a week. He sends e-mails of support to the staff about the fine work our students are doing. Will the skills my students learn help them on standardize test. I don't know and frankly I don't care. Tv production skills will help students define who they are and maybe give them direction of a career goal. Which isn't that the purpose of education anyway.

Rule Number 6. It really isn't about test scores. The reality is test scores are more important to us that it is to our students. In Florida they tried to pass legislation where teacher raises were tied to test performance. It didn't passed - this time. Teachers get so frustrated that their students because they are not "getting it". To many times I have watch teachers in the classroom lecture students because they are not learning the skills and think that will reflect badly on the teacher on the test. They constantly they tell them they are not going to passed the test. However I have been on many job interviews and have yet had one perspective employer about my test scores. I haven't seen it on a job application yet either. And so they do pass the test. Does this mean they will be a viable member of society. I am sure there are many unemployed or homeless brillant people out there. So what do you really want to do make sure your students pass the test or inspire them to do great things.

PS. To all those English teachers who were frustrated with me because I didn't like to read.(My 6th grade teacher actually told my mom I couldn't read) I still think the Scarlett Letter is boring. I am reading this book however and I love it!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Wk 1 - Just a thought - Free Choice

In Melissa Caruso's blog entry she mention doing a book study of the book we are reading for this class. We recently did a book study this year and it was horrible. We read some chapters and answered some questions. The same way we teach our students. What about a book study using blogs as we are doing now. The teachers would read the chapters post their reflections and reflect on other teacher's thoughts. We could also create professional blogs for teachers to research and write about something they find interesting that impacts the field of education. They are always sending something through the e-mail. Why not put it in a blog. It would be my hope that the teachers would experience first hand the power of blogging and how it could be use in the classroom. I know our district allows blogging because they have a blackboard class for blogging. There will be some district policies to follow but I am sure it would be worth it. This is something I will definitely look into for next year. Wish me luck!

Wk 1 comments - Melissa Caruso

"In education, this will be the hardest practice to implement because everything is so data driven these days."


Congratulations on your new job! Having been a Technology Specialist for 11 years I know it will be a rewarding one. Since it is all invented maybe we can re-invent what we call data. The definition of data is a collection of facts so who is to say that assessment has to be grades on a percentage scale. Rubrics are a great way to introduce projects in the classroom. Peer reviews could be another. When I was in the classroom I never put letter grades or percentages on papers. I wrote the number of questions they got correct out if the total number of questions and gave the students and parents opportunity to discuss any concerns. You have the opportunity to eliminate the box and create new possibilities. I would love to know how it is going.

Wk1 Comments- Yesenia Martinez

" I will close with stating that I am so going to implement the practice of giving everyone including myself an ‘”A” on a daily basis and see how this experiment works with students, family, friends, and other loved ones."


I too was intrigued by "Giving an A" chapter. I would be wonderful to see why the students felt they deserved the "A". This would give them an opportunity to reflect on the journey of learning and what was learned along the way.

Having raised two children I can certainly relate to trying to get there. We work so hard trying to make things better for our children we forget to enjoy the trip.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Week 1 Reading - The Possibility of Change

When I talk about technology integration into the the classroom with my teachers one of the first things they ask me about is how are they going to grade the projects and how this relates to the test. However in our district we are changing the way we "measure" student performance. In grades K - 2 they use the SBAR which is a Standards Based Assessment Report. It bascially a checklist of how students are performing one the Sunshine State Standards for the grade level. It consist of 4- consistant/independant,
3 - meets standard, 2- sometimes meets standard, 1 - seldom meets standard, and there is a mark if standard has not been taught.The student's progress through these standards are monitored throughout the school year. The district plans to incorporate this report card to the 5th grade level. This has required teachers to change the way they measure their students. It would be hard for me to use the current A,B,C grading structure to accomplish this. Project-Based learning would allow the students the show that they have consistently and independently mastered the content. I have shared this with the teachers in the other grade levels however they are reluctant to change from the old paper and pencil test. I must assume they are still in the survival mode. There will come a time when they will have to change. Until then I just provide opportunities for the teachers to make small shifts toward a different way of teaching.

I love the story of the shoe salesmen in the first chapter. About 5 years ago our district started moving toward more web-based programs. Our Integrated Learning System - Compass Odyssey was web-based which meant that students could work on the programs at home and the parents could monitor their students work form home. The district also offered ele-web which allowed the parent the opportunity to check student's grades from home. There were other web-based programs we were using. I asked the previous administration if I could have a media night to be able to show the parents all of the different products and services we had to offer but they didn't want to because only 30% of our population had computers or access to the web.(We did a survey) This percentage didn't justify the time of having a meeting. This would also require teachers to keep their gradebook which was electronic up to date. We did however inform parents of the services through our newsletters. Now 5 years later 70% of our population with computers and access to the web. Our parents demand access to their students grades and they also want to know what technology services we provide to help their students. I also find that students want to know the addresses to the different websites they use in school. I live in a "Field of Dreams". I believe "if you build it they will come".

"Giving an A" There is hope we can move beyond assigning a "grade" to our accomplishments. The students in his class had write why they got that "A". The letters seem to list things they wish to accomplish and some they didn't but did along the way. So why not start off with that list and check off when a goal has been achieved. Students can set goals and monitor their progress. Although "Giving an A" would be a change for the better challenging ourselves to achieve has a greater impact. When I decided to go back to school I did it because I wanted to gain knowledge that would impact my students and my teachers. I feel I have done that. I have already incorporated some of the things I have learned. I may have an "A" but the knowledge I have gained and the changes I have made in my career mean so much more.