Sunday, August 1, 2010

Wk - 4 - Amanda Alvarez

“If God be for us, Who can be against us?” If one actually considers the verbiage of this verse after reading Zander’s twelfth chapter, one might see the creative argument that there is no “us vs. Them” mentality for God. frustrations, arguments, battles and wars may have been avoided if this had been understood. Upon rereading the verse the only reasoning I see here is simple: If we are all God’s Children, then there is no one left to be “THEM” and therefore no one to be against “US,” "


These are so true words. However in our professional life just as in our religious one we forget about rule # 6. It is not all about us. Throughout history we read about one nation, tribe, or civilization with the need to overcome another. Corporations destroy our environment to make money. When do we really sit down to think how our actions will effect others. Then somehow when we are older we grow a conscience and blame the young for the terrible shape we are in.

wk 4 - Stacy Robinson

"That fact that we are willing to take courses and provide this information to others proves that our "JOURNEY" is to make a difference - being the board."

Stacy your words are so true. I wish that my fellow teachers would take this "JOURNEY". I have learned so much in this program and I have already started using them in my profession. I think part of the "JOURNEY" would be for teachers to re-evaluate why they are taking the trip in the first place.

Wk 4 - Publishing part two

Since my CBL project is geared toward the elementary classroom. I was looking for publication for the elementary teacher. It is my hope that teachers in the elementary setting can use this as a resource for adding video production in the classroom.

These are the journals I have found so far.


Learning & Leading with Technology

Journal Of Educational Technology and Society

Journal Of Interactive Learning

Wk 4 - How WE can get on board to create a framework of possibility

Starting new projects can be looked at in the scientific method. We start with a problem and determine a hypothesis as to how our endeavor will turn out. We can construct the design of our project. Like in scientific discovery our endeavors will not prove or disprove our hypothesis. It will only support or not support it. When we look at this way we don’t have reason to blame anyone if it doesn’t turn out like we thought it would. Our “failures” are just as important as our successes because it gives us the opportunity to learn and redesign our program. Each participant can honestly look at his or her part to improve the project without fear of being wrong therefore creating atmosphere that WE are working toward the shared vision. In measured school environment it is so easy for WE the teachers to blame administration, the parents, the district and even the students for what is wrong with education. But have we really defined our problem, is our hypothesis a valid one? When we design our project do we consider all the variables involved in our project? What will their reaction be to the stimulus? Did we test it enough times to develop a valid result? Just because it didn’t turn out the way we thought it should have doesn’t constitute failure. It is an opportunity a new framework of possibility.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Wk 3 - Publishing/Presentation - A Personal Comment

I still haven't really decided to publish or to present. I think in this blog I was suppose to write about where I would publish my project. I would like to say nowhere but I don't think I have a choice. This project like many of things I do is personal. I take classes and training to improve my skills as teacher so I can be more effective in my profession. I am always glad to share my ideas but I need no recognition. I have really enjoyed my journey through this project and have learned a lot that will affect my students in the future. It is my hope that as the students hone their video production skills they will take those skills into the classroom and personal life. I don't need the approval or disapproval of the academic community to validate my goals. I truly enjoy working on the sidelines and letting the students or adults I teach shine for me.

wk 3 Patti Yawn

"This type of learning puts the focus on them and what is important to them."

I think for some teachers this is the hardest part of teaching. Sometimes as teachers we have our concept of the students should learn. However each student will internalize what they find important to them. I think it is wonderful that you would allow the student to experience this. They are going to do it anyway. We should just celebrate the fact we part of that experience.

wk 3 - Yesenia Martinez

"Finding ways to inspire and share your “spark” that will in turn, motivate them."

I have found that many people have a want to change things but they are waiting for someone to light the "spark". Sometimes we feel that we all all alone in our passion but in reality there a many others. When we light the spark others will follow that light to keep the flame burning.